I worked with Dr. Blackburn this summer through the Markey STRONG program. My project’s scope…
Undergraduate Summer Recap 2021
I had a great time in Jessi’s lab this summer! I was able to learn a variety of techniques and protocols through all of the amazing people there! One such technique was embryo injections into the eggs of zebrafish. I injected a mixture that would induce cancer in zebrafish that did not have PRL-3. In addition to this I was able to do some data analysis of cells that had tags vs no tags on PRL-3. This was my favorite experiment because the data painted a very interesting picture. Look forward to seeing some of that in Caroline Smith’s upcoming paper! All in all, I had an enjoyable summer in the lab, and it was definitely nice to say goodbye this time, since COVID-19 kicked me out last year. Thank you to everyone in the lab who helped and taught me!
Isabella Spielmann is a sophomore at The Colorado School of Mines (2024).